◆Achievements (still! ) (新成就))
◆Improving the 'Hammerman attacks you' event (哈莫曼进攻事件的改进)
◆Some system(s) to encourage gaining VPs and make it worthwhile to do so (the aim behind this is that matchmaking would benefit from a player-wide consensus to gain VPs) (鼓励玩家升杯的机制)
◆Ability to see who hasn't done their operation attack (查看战队中尚未进攻者)
◆Co-Leader rank (新职位:副指挥官)
◆New prototype weapon(新原型武器)
◆For reasons I can't yet reveal, we're also working at the same time on something for the update after the next one... (还有一些进行中的,下下次的更新内容,但还不能告诉大家!)
◆Encouraging more variety in player base layouts (鼓励玩家阵形多样性)
◆Being able to chose whether your home base is snow, magma or tropical (FYI, this would probably be purely cosmetic) (玩家自主选择自家岛屿的环境:火山,热带,或冰原)
◆Different things for Task Forces to do (TF vs. TF, collaborative island) (更多的战队事件:对战,合作等)
◆Shock mine (震爆地雷)
◆Fragment crafting queue (being able to turn all Fragments into Shards with one button) (一键将所有水晶颗粒变成水晶碎片)
◆Increasing the Damage Amplifier's radius (伤害放大器范围提升)
◆Making Task Force recruitment better within the game (增强游戏中战队招聘的功能)
◆HQ 21 (引进大本21级)
◆Task Force mail (Clan mail) for Leader/Co-Leaders/Officers (战队邮件系统,专门针对指挥官,副指挥官,以及军官)
◆Info showing which Gunboat abilities were used in the activity log (在日志中显示战舰能量的使用)
◆Replay pausing (回放暂停功能)
◆More activity ("life") in your home base (岛上增加更多生物)
◆Daily challenges (e.g. defeat 3 PvP bases, etc.) (每日挑战:如干掉3个非玩家岛等)
◆Hero unit(s) (新的作战单位:英雄)
◆More to do after clearing your map (清图以后没事干?增加一些事情让你干。)
◆Test/practice attacks (模拟/测试进攻)
◆A bigger event (一个更大的事件)
◆More Gearheart layouts (女将军的阵形更多样化)
◆Improving or changing the Resource Base game (增强或改变资源岛的机制)
◆New Gunboat ability (新的战舰能力)
◆New Troop (新兵种)
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