炉石传说iPad版接近中 4月3号暴雪展示完整版
炉石传说iPad版的脚步离玩家越来越近了!今天有暴雪给出了一个议程,暴雪会在4月3号的在媒体会上展示iPad炉石的 终版本。原文如下:
Blizzard is holding a media event on April 3rd to show off Hearthstone's iPad final build before the public gets to see it. Attendees will get to try out the iPad version themselves and have a one on one chat with a member of the development team. This media event is being held in the US, but should be quite similar to the one previously held in China (images below)。
在玩家们看到之前,暴雪会在4月3号的在媒体会上展示iPad炉石的 终版本。参与者们可以去试玩一下iPad版本并跟开发团队成员一对一互动。媒体会会在美国举行,不过跟之前在中国举行的差不多。
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